Wednesday night in Hampden, Ben Huston, Cameron Scott, and Billy Campbell, along with Eric Armstrong combined for 17 hits and 11 runs batted in as the Anglers opened their 2010 Little League season with a 24-4 victory over Dysarts at the baseball complex.

Anglers' Ben Huston gets things going as he connects for a triple to lead off the game Wednesday night in Hampden. Huston had six hits in the game. The Anglers defeated Dysarts 24-4 in the five inning contest. Photo by Skip Hawkes
Huston went 6-for-6 at the plate with a triple, double, and four singles with three runs batted in. Scott was also perfect at the plate with a 5-for-5 night. He had three doubles and two singles with three RBIs. Campbell had two doubles and two singles and drove in three runs, and Armstrong added a double and single with two RBIs.
Anglers scored in all five innings of the game, plating four runs in the first, eight in the second, one in the third, three in the fourth, and eight in the fifth inning.

Anglers' Billy Campbell throws a warm up pitch before closing out the second inning. Photo by Skip Hawkes
Huston, Campbell, and Armstrong held Dysarts to seven hits and four runs from the mound with Huston picking up the win.
Dysarts scored two in the first and two in the third inning. Nick Hopper had a double and single with four runs batted in to lead Dysarts at the plate. Paxton Oversmith added a double and single.
Click to view additional photos from the game
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